
So who exactly are the masterminds behind “photomazic” and better yet, what the heck is “photomazic”?   Let’s start with the “what” (foregoing the journalistic integrity behind who, what, when, where and why)!

We love pictures.  We love taking them, we love editing them and we love looking at them.    Craig has had an eye for photography for as long as I’ve known him (more than 10 years but less than 50 for the inquiring minds amongst you)!  I, on the other hand, have no eye for photography – as evidenced by countless shots of the back of heads, my own thumb and the periodic plumber’s crack that show up in my shots – but I am learning and with time am seeing substantial progress!  

From viewfinder to Photoshop when you happen upon the perfect shot it is truly magical and begs to be shared; hence, this site.   Since the domain name “photomagic” was already taken we had to come up with something clever, witty and fitting of our vision.    So how about a play on words?  

Nickname (Maz) + magic = Mazic!!  Photomazic it is!!

And now we are moving to England where we will once again get to put our photography skills to good use.  Keep visiting us as we share our adventures and misadventures through word and pictures!

Craig and Cindy


One thought on “About

  1. Hi Craig and Cindy!
    I just came across your site and can’t wait to see it progress with pictures that speak volume!! Of course, I’ll be curious to see the pictures taken on the photo tour in Paris.

    Happy new year to both of you and I hope Cindy finds a job where she can use the same passion as she shows for photography.


    Posted by sophie | January 11, 2010, 11:22 am

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Words of Wisdom

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. - John F. Kennedy